Sunday, April 15, 2012

coffeecake in a mug

i was in the mood for some sort of breakfast baked good this morning.  couldn't really decide what though. i has some applesauce in the fridge and was bound and determined to use it.  don't know why, but it was a requirement :P 

anyway, i found a recipe for coffeecake in a mug online at prudent baby, and i sounded promising...  the website was great too, step-by-step directions with pix.  very helpful.  so i gave it a whirl.  buuuut, i did some tinkering, cause we all know that's how i roll ;)

so, if you want to replicate my creation, follow prudent baby's directions with the following tweaks:

substitute the egg with 2 tbsp of unsweetened applesauce
double the baking powder
at the end of the cake portion, add in a tbsp of dried fruit (i used blueberries) and 3 crushed walnuts
add a tbsp of shredded coconut to the crumble topping recipe
i ended up baking mine for 1.5 minutes

and, i also made a topping.  i had a vanilla pudding snack pack cup in the cupboard, so i mixed that with a few drops of maple extract and tossed it on top when it was done cooling.  just enough for a little pudding sauce with each bite

the pudding sauce is on the left, finished cake on the right
one delicious bite :)

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