Monday, January 11, 2010

not craft/cooking related - but super cute

i'd like to introduce my reader's to the latest addition to my family - bing crosby. i just call him bing. (why name him bing crosby you ask? good question. well, he was born on christmas day - which is why he looks so small for a guinea pig - and i thought a christmas themed name would be appropriate. so i thought of my favorite things about christmas, and my favorite christmas movie is white christmas. bing, being the male lead, was an obvious namesake choice, in my opinion.)

anyway, he likes to hide out in a coffee cup. he was the runt and is a little shy. i'm working on that. i have learned that he likes melon, lettuce, and carrots more than bananas and broccoli. he also likes to burrow in the crook of my arm when i hold him, and he'll jet up my sweatshirt sleeve if i'm not careful. this weekend i'm hoping to make him a suitable cage that is spacious, but doesn't look like a cage (since we're roommates in all, and i don't like the looks of cages). i have been inspired by a DIY g.p. habitat i saw on apartment therapy... we'll see! (another post will surely follow - as this would be a craft project!)

1 comment:

d. said...

Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat! Rat!